🚢 Mission

To build a complete trading and data terminal.

Three pillars: DEX - NFT - DATA

🔎 Vision

We build first-in-class trading and analytics tooling to drive the growth of ecosystem wide liquidity consumption. Through a single interface we deliver a fast growing portfolio of integrated products foundational to Terra and ready to drive new growth through Feather partner integrations.

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📖 Committed to Terra

Since the launch of Terra in June 2022, TFM has consistently supported Terra even as we expanded across other Cosmos L1s. Our homepage has always defaulted to Terra, and pinned tweets have always been focused on our building on Terra.

<aside> 🧑‍💻 homepage has always defaulted to Terra.


🌖 Contents

  1. TFM Funding
  2. What TFM has built
  3. Achievements to date